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(錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)朝陽郊外大陵河と鳳鳴山;The Tailing River and Mt.Fengming, Chaoyang (Kinsho Line and Chihfeng) (錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)朝陽三座塔;Santso Tower, Chaoyang(Kinsho Line and Chihfeng) (錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)凌源西門;The West Gate, Lingyuan (Kinsho Line and Chihfeng) (錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)凌源忠魂碑;Monument to loyal dead, Lingyuan (Kinsho Line and Chihfeng)
(錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)平泉中央大街;The Central Main Street, Pingchuan(Kinsho Line and Chihfeng) (錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)平泉服部門;Hattori Gate, Pingchuan (Kinsho Line and Chihfeng) (錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)承徳驛の美觀;Chengte Station(Kinsho Line and Chihfeng) (錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)承徳普寧寺全景(大佛寺);Puning Temple (Great Buddha Temple), Chengte (Kinsho Line and Chihfeng)
(錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)赤峰驛;Chihfeng Station (Kinsho Line and Chihfeng) (錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)赤峰三道街入城記念碑;War Monument, Santao Street, Chihfeng(Kinsho Line and Chihfeng) 神秘境熱河 錦承沿線と赤峰の風光B;SCENES ALONG THE KINSHO LINE AND CHIHFENG, JEHOL (錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)錦縣城内と喇嘛塔;City of Chinhsien and Lama Tower(Kinsho Line and Chihfeng)
(錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)錦縣東門上より大馬路を望む;Tama Road viewed from the East Gate, Chinhsien (Kinsho Line and Chihfeng) (錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)朝陽市街の一部;City of Chaoyang(Kinsho Line and Chihfeng) (錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)朝陽 古刹祐順寺全景;Yushuo Temple, Chaoyang(Kinsho Line and Chihfeng) (錦承沿線と赤峰の風光)凌源郊外熱水湯全景;Jeshuitang outside Lingyuan (Kinsho Line and Chihfeng)